Large investment but low interest rate, high risk, strict requirements, uncertain output, monotonous products... are the difficulties that enterprises manufacturing elevator components and equipment must overcome. That is the confidant of the CEO of a company that dares to "risk" entering the field of supporting industry for the elevator industry.
Elevator is a means of transportation directly related to the safety of users. The trend of using homelift is increasingly popular in line with the need to find travel solutions of urbanized and modernized life. However, the use of elevator service at home also has some potential risks that users should be aware of to avoid possible risks.
For high-rise buildings, traction technology is the only option because it meets the following criteria: long travel, high speed, high frequency of use, etc… However, for homelift, it is not that easy. The experts of the Vietnam Institute of Lift Engineering Application give some useful advice when choosing a home lift.
On December 31, 2021, the Department of Occupational Safety, Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs issued Official Letter No. 639/ATLD-PCTTr to the Hanoi People's Committee, responding to Official Letter No. 0112/VNEA dated December 1, 2021 of Vietnam Elevator Association on elevator safety at Den Lu Resettlement Area. In particular, the Vietnam Elevator Association has reflected that many elevators of the Den Lu Resettlement Area do not meet technical requirements, but people are still using them every day, endangering their lives and health.
After more than a month of waiting, on the afternoon of December 31, 2021, Elevator Magazine received a reply from the Hanoi Department of Construction surrounding the repairing damaged and inadequate to operate elevator in resettlement apartment buildings in particular and apartment buildings in general. Instead of offering drastic and specific solutions, the Department of Construction just stopped at explaining the process and responsibilities...